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Writer's pictureElliot


Updated: Sep 1, 2019

Troutkit | Male | Kit | 4 Moons

"Get out."

I'm Tired of this Bullshit

↳ Prefix meaning;; Trout | His brown and reddish striped pattern mimic the fish

↳ Suffix meaning;; Foot | His dexterity with his paws.. and his big peets.

↳ Previous names;; Tricky, Troutkit, Troutpaw

↳ Nicknames;; Trout, Troutie, Fish

Gender;; CisMale

↳ Pronouns;; He/Him

↳Voice Claim;; Hades ; Hercules (ex.

Age;; 16 Moons

↳ Birth season;; Winter

Clan;; GroveClan

↳ Rank;; Warrior

↳ Mentor;; Halfheart

↳ Apprentice;; N/A

You Took My Heart and Ate it


⚫ fighting: ⚫⚫⚫⚪⚪

⚫ hunting: ⚫⚫⚫⚪⚪

⚫ healing: ⚫⚪⚪⚪⚪

⚫ stealth: ⚫⚫⚪⚪⚪

⚫ speed: ⚫⚫⚫⚫⚪

Book description;; A reddish-brown tabby tom with dull blue eyes.

Overall summary;; Troutfoot's a basic little boy, his base is a greyish brown with a darker brown on his muzzle, paws, back, ears and tail with reddish classic tabby stripes across his body. He has a pale brown underbelly and toes, all topped off with bluish grey eyes.

↳ Fur;; Long, Thick and Wirey

↳ Build;; plumper than the average kit with broad shoulders and a long tail.

↳ Scent;; Pine tar

↳ Scars;; >

notable features;; his fur is sleek, but clearly sticks up in different places.

But I Won't be your Victim

✔| Observant | Sympathetic | Hardworking | Open-Minded

=| Quiet | Levelheaded | Sarcastic | Easy to Read

✖| Overprotective | Cynical | Insecure | Rude

Troutfoot has grown... A little bit, since his kitten days. Halfheart dulled down his ego a whole lot and he's grown oddly expressive. He still makes sarcastic, rude and critical comments towards everyone, but he's a lot more.. sympathetic. Podfin seems to be the culprit, rubbing off her positive energy. He's even started saying "bing-bing".....

↳ likes;; Hunting, Sparring, Arguing, Rolling his eyes

↳ dislikes;; Most.. of his Clanmates. Oh, and Feathers.

↳ fears;; Letting his clan down

↳ habits;;

Wipes his nose with his paw even with nothing coming out

His eye clearly twitches whenever he lies

Scratches behind his ear whenever hes bored

Bites his paws for no reason

↳ Extras

Favorite;; Food | Mouse

Season | Winter

Smell | Milk

Sound | Complete Silence

Place | The Shallows

Cat | Dovepaw, Podfin, Firespark, Cricketsong

Won't Take it Anymore

Xella | Mother | npc | Rogue

Shanks | Father | npc | Rogue

Picky | Sister | npc | Rogue

Grouch | Brother | npc | Rogue

offspring: hes baby

sexual orientation: Bisexual

↳ status;; Single

↳ current attractions;; Dovepaw, Firespark, Cricketsong, Podfin, Featherfall

↳ past attractions;; None

turn ons | Long Fur, Blue eyes, Expressive

turn offs | Independent, Pushover, Bully

I Guess I wasn't Perfect

But You Were Further From It


Before birth: Tricky's parents were two lovebirds. A tough exterior on both of them, but somehow they managed to get through to each other's soft interior. Xella and Shanks were practically inseparable. Many wondered how they got together in the first place, seeing the couple as just two angry leaders who would argue and bicker all day, yet still stood at each other's sides. Soon enough, Xella grew round, and she retired for a moon or two to give birth to her kits.


➢ Born, named Tricky beside his sister Picky and his brother Grouch.

➢ Grew up practically ignored by his parents, instead they praised his sister and brother for being tough on the outside. He learned that being mean would grant him attention. He started yelling at people and it worked! He got praised!

➢ Became the toughest of his siblings, growling even at his siblings and parents. Soon enough he stood at the top beside his parents, observing the group of cats they oversaw.

➢ Xella and Shanks told him that he was ready, they dropped him in the middle of the forest the next night, leaving no way for him to return home when he woke up.

➢ After a while of wandering, he came across a GroveClan patrol in which he promptly bit their toes. For some reason they decided to take him.

➢ Named Troutkit for his resemblance to a trout and hes honestly very confused about what the hell is going on.

➢ Meets Dovepaw, Stonepaw and Featherpaw. Is confused by their names and... Everything about this clan.

➢ Is shown the ropes of Clan life and, though he doesn't understand it, nods along and takes it all in.

➢ Meets Cricketkit who quickly he befriends after realizing that she won't respond to his insults. If ya can't beat em, make em your ally..


➢ Becomes an apprentice! Is given Halfheart as a mentor.

➢ He's not really into having Halfheart as a mentor and basically ignores her a lot.

➢ Meets Firepaw and the two quickly dislike each other, especially after Troutpaw comments on how Halfheart can't mentor if she can't hear.

➢ Cricketpaw starts trying to get him and Firepaw to eat together! It... Doesn't end up working out very well.

➢ Troutpaw took a moment to look at the stars, the thought of his parents leaving him bothering him greatly. He tries to place a paw on it, but can't. Firepaw notices him and, after trying to initiate a fight, realizes that Troutpaw looks off. The two share a moment.

➢ Troutpaw realizes that his parents left him for dead.

➢ Troutpaw and Firepaw's relationship takes an odd turn and he doesn't like it! Troutpaw tells Firepaw to fight him and they.. have a good time playfully sparring.

➢ The next Time Cricketpaw tells the two toms to share a meal with her, they have a really good time.

➢ Troutpaw starts caring about training more, even though he's still hesitant about Halfheart.

➢ Firepaw... Starts hanging around Dovepaw a whole lot. They look like Stinkheart and his mate... ew.

➢ Dovepaw seems really down. Troutpaw tries to coax her into telling him, and she does, with a big breakdown. He struggles to Comfort her.

➢ Troutpaw starts to flirt with Cricketpaw, with her permission, in an attempt to make Dovepaw and Firepaw jealous enough to stop being gross together.

➢ Troutpaw and Firepaw open up about their feelings to each-other, and Troutpaw realizes that he's not only jealous of Firepaw for getting Dovepaw's attention, but that he's jealous of Dovepaw for getting Firepaw's attention. Tells Firepaw this and is... oddly surprised and relieved that Firepaw felt the same way. hm.

➢ Troutpaw, with Firepaw's encouragement, also realizes that he likes Cricketpaw... He tells her and it goes fairly well! He doesn't know what to do now.

➢ Meets Podfin and goes Fishing with her, he has a great time and starts hanging out with her and Featherfall a whole lot more!

➢ Meets Shellkit! Who promptly follows him everywhere!

➢ As his life seems to sweep towards warriorhood, Halfheart breaks through and snaps, telling him that he's not ready to be a warrior. Troutpaw is confused and lashes out, managing to convince her to at least let him try his assessment.

➢ He.. Fails his assessment, watching Firepaw and Cricketpaw become Firespark and Cricketsong before his eyes.

➢ Everything seems to fall apart for Troutpaw, and it only seems to get worse as Podfin hides away from him after Darkwing's death.

➢ Eventually he manages to humble himself and asks Halfheart to give him another chance. This time... He makes it.


➢ Troutpaw was named Troutfoot, he shares excited glances with all of his friends before following Podfin into the warrior's den. She promised him a nest.. But really, she just expanded her own. He didn't mind.

➢ He helps Podfin recover from Darkwing's death, taking her out to the shallows and even accompanying her to visit his grave at the Moon's eye. Eventually, she pips back up. But he still finds himself at her side all the time! He's grown very protective of her....

➢ Gathering happens! He chats to Firespark and Dovepaw while he waits for Featherfall, Cricketsong and Podfin to return.. oddly happy.

➢ Watches Shellkit grow to be Shellpaw and wishes Brindleface luck with that one...

✔ Notes (can be slow)

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✘ Skype

✔ Comments (can be slow)

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✘ Email

Roleplay example;;

LIT ::

Mapleblaze couldn't help her gaze shift to him, finding herself leaning towards him to comfort the tom as he thought. Home. What even was it? GroveClan was the only home the dappled she-cat knew. But it felt so empty now that Bluetuft and Bramblingstripe.. And Irissong... All the cats she would consider friends prior to the war. She sighed, listening to him speak. "If not GroveClan, I'd have no home..." She murmured, blinking up at the tom. StarClan knows she misses some cats. But then there were cats like Nettlestar. Mapleblaze's tail wrapped around herself tightly, ears lowering. What in StarClan's name even was home anymore. Whats home without... Friends.. Or family. She couldnt help feel her heart sink, swelling with something she could only name as shame. Her eyes only narrowed as Aspencry spoke again. Where I belong anymore. She didnt know either, to be fair. Biting down viciously on her bottom lip, she raised her gaze to the sky; peering through the cracks in the leaves to watch the warriors of silverpelt look down at her.. Or maybe look down on Aspencry.. What would she have done to earn the gaze of StarClan upon her pelt? Despite how much she wanted to continue on that path, she pondered the younger tom's words. "StarClan knows I understand..." She murmured quietly, meeting his gaze. "But the future holds something in its paws for everyone... Cats break away, friendships are lost..." She paused, blinking back up at the sky. "Cats die." She choked, clearing her throat and turning to Aspencry once again as he spoke. Wasnt the will of StarClan.. Her ears twitched, piquing her interest.

"Its possible." She murmured, blinking at the tom, her mind traveling down this path. It'd make sense... "For the place of no stars to make something... Like her..." She murmured, pursing her lips in thought, letting her eyes drift closed. Nettlestar... She felt her jaw tighten, before her eyes opened at his following question. *How do we stop someone like that?" "I dont know..." She murmured honesty, shifting her weight from one paw to the other uncomfortably. "But if StarClan was on our side... They should have a solution..." she turned to him, flicking an ear. "Dont you think so?"


Thunderkit: She found herself waddling from the nursery, kicking at the grass below her paws as she had her maw open, dragging her tongue across the two teeth that poked from her mouth at all times. How had she JUST noticed this? Well, does it matter? It was the only thing she could think about right now. How weird her teeth were. They were so cool. Though this funny train of thought stopped short as a somewhat familiar voice yelled something. She whipped around, her confused gaze coming to Peachpaw. She padded towards the calico, giving her shoulder a casual push. "Hey Peeeeeeeachpaw" She greeted, taking a moment to actually remember and say the apprentices name.

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