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Writer's pictureElliot


Littlekit | DFAB | Kit | 1 Moon

"Littlekit... Lottlekit... Littolkit... Oh! 'Ello!!"

Lyric 1

↳ Prefix meaning;; Little | For her little body!

↳ Suffix meaning;; Kit | Her rank

↳ Previous names;; runt

↳ Nicknames;; Little, Small, Squirt, Tiny

Gender;; Female

↳ Pronouns;; She/Her

↳Voice Claim;; Loading...

Age;; 1 Moon

↳ Birth season;; Greenleaf

Clan;; RootClan

↳ Rank;; Kit

↳ Mentor;; Loading...

↳ Apprentice;; Loading...

Lyric 2


⚫ fighting: ⚫⚪⚪⚪⚪

⚫ hunting: ⚫⚪⚪⚪⚪

⚫ healing: ⚫⚪⚪⚪⚪

⚫ stealth: ⚫⚪⚪⚪⚪

⚫ speed: ⚫⚪⚪⚪⚪

Book description;; Littlekit is a dark grey, almost black, molly with vibrant teal eyes.

Overall summary;; Littlekit's phisique is like if you took a normal kitten and squashed it. She's tiny, and her near-black pelt is almost featureless. She does have a stripe up her nose and around her chest, as well as paler eyelids, but that's it.

↳ Fur;; Long, wavy, silky, soft

↳ Build;; Thin and lithe

↳ Scent;; Cranberries and Crabapples- Very sour.

↳ Scars;; N/A

notable features;;

Long strands of fur at the top of her head that drop across either side of her muzzle

Lyric 3

✔| Adaptable | Cooperative | Empathetic | Flexible

= | Observant | Clumsy | Assertive | Passive

✖| Foolish | Obvious | Needy | Gullible

Littlekit is a kit that requires a lot of attention. Though for the most part, she really enjoys just. Looking. Everything in RootClan is so much different than where she was living before, and she really enjoys watching anything and everything in front of her, so for now, while shes still new to the clan, shes quite quiet and isnt bothering anyone... For now.

↳ likes;; Looking, Saying her name, Learning other cats' names

↳ dislikes;; Worrying, Thinking of her old home, Nursing

↳ fears;; Nothing, really

↳ habits;;

Repeats herself a lot

Mumbles whenever she notices something new

Flicks her tail back and forth when in thought... She also sticks her tongue out

Bobs her head from side to side as she walks

Calls new cats Twats happily because its what her parents called new cats!

Lyric 4

Siren | Mother | npc | Rogue

Cyrus | Father | npc | Rogue

Thistle | Sister | npc | Rogue

Frost | Brother | npc | Rogue

offspring: Loading...

sexual orientation: LOCKED

↳ status;; Single

↳ current attractions;; Loading...

↳ past attractions;; N/A

turn ons | LOCKED

turn offs | LOCKED

Lyric 5

Lyric 6



➢ Born the smallest, but surprisingly healthiest of three kits- parents (Siren and Cyrus) greatly fussed over her littermates. She didn't mind much, and mostly stared off into space for time.

➢ She tried nursing, Siren pushed her away in favor of Thistle and Frost. Confusion ensued- parents started calling her runt, and it was clear to everyone but her that she wasn't considered part of her parents' harsh family.

➢ Lasts surprisingly long, watching her brother and sister grow sicker and sicker, as much as the cats around their parents tried to help. She tries snuggling with them, only to be pulled away.

➢ Siren and Cyrus, after sharing some words, decide they were going to dump her. Not knowing what they were talking about, she quirked her head, only for Cyrus to pick her up and... after a while, was dropped at the edge of a forest... and ditched.

➢ Cats come by. She asks who they are and they say they're... RootClanners. They have kinda funny names. They end up taking her to camp, where they rename her Littlekit.



✔ Notes (can be slow)

✔ Discord

✘ Skype

✔ Comments (can be slow)

✔ Google Docs

✘ Email

Roleplay example;;

LIT ::

Mapleblaze couldn't help her gaze shift to him, finding herself leaning towards him to comfort the tom as he thought. Home. What even was it? GroveClan was the only home the dappled she-cat knew. But it felt so empty now that Bluetuft and Bramblingstripe.. And Irissong... All the cats she would consider friends prior to the war. She sighed, listening to him speak. "If not GroveClan, I'd have no home..." She murmured, blinking up at the tom. StarClan knows she misses some cats. But then there were cats like Nettlestar. Mapleblaze's tail wrapped around herself tightly, ears lowering. What in StarClan's name even was home anymore. Whats home without... Friends.. Or family. She couldnt help feel her heart sink, swelling with something she could only name as shame. Her eyes only narrowed as Aspencry spoke again. Where I belong anymore. She didnt know either, to be fair. Biting down viciously on her bottom lip, she raised her gaze to the sky; peering through the cracks in the leaves to watch the warriors of silverpelt look down at her.. Or maybe look down on Aspencry.. What would she have done to earn the gaze of StarClan upon her pelt? Despite how much she wanted to continue on that path, she pondered the younger tom's words. "StarClan knows I understand..." She murmured quietly, meeting his gaze. "But the future holds something in its paws for everyone... Cats break away, friendships are lost..." She paused, blinking back up at the sky. "Cats die." She choked, clearing her throat and turning to Aspencry once again as he spoke. Wasnt the will of StarClan.. Her ears twitched, piquing her interest.

"Its possible." She murmured, blinking at the tom, her mind traveling down this path. It'd make sense... "For the place of no stars to make something... Like her..." She murmured, pursing her lips in thought, letting her eyes drift closed. Nettlestar... She felt her jaw tighten, before her eyes opened at his following question. *How do we stop someone like that?" "I dont know..." She murmured honesty, shifting her weight from one paw to the other uncomfortably. "But if StarClan was on our side... They should have a solution..." she turned to him, flicking an ear. "Dont you think so?"


Thunderkit: She found herself waddling from the nursery, kicking at the grass below her paws as she had her maw open, dragging her tongue across the two teeth that poked from her mouth at all times. How had she JUST noticed this? Well, does it matter? It was the only thing she could think about right now. How weird her teeth were. They were so cool. Though this funny train of thought stopped short as a somewhat familiar voice yelled something. She whipped around, her confused gaze coming to Peachpaw. She padded towards the calico, giving her shoulder a casual push. "Hey Peeeeeeeachpaw" She greeted, taking a moment to actually remember and say the apprentices name.

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