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Writer's pictureElliot


Updated: Feb 7, 2019

Dawnpetal | Female | Caretaker | 54 moons

"Sometimes I wish I could go back"

Just Take A Chance

↳ Prefix meaning;; Dawn | Her pale pelt ↳ Suffix meaning;; Petal | After her soft nature and love of flowers ↳ Previous names;; Fudge, Dawnkit, Dawnpaw, Dawn ↳ Nicknames;; Lilac, Marigold, Dawn

Gender;; Cis Female ↳ Pronouns;; She/Her ↳Voice Claim;; tbd....

Age;; 54 Moons ↳ Birth season;; Spring

Clan;; ValleyClan ↳ Rank;; Caretaker ↳ Mentor;; Jasmineivy ↳ Apprentice;; Iciclepaw...

Oh, Darling I love you so

Skills;; ⚫ fighting: ⚫⚫⚪⚪⚪ ⚫ hunting: ⚫⚫⚫⚪⚪ ⚫ healing: ⚫⚫⚪⚪⚪ ⚫ stealth: ⚫⚪⚪⚪⚪ ⚫ speed: ⚫⚫⚫⚫⚪

Book description;; A pale snowshoe she-cat with deep blue eyes. Overall summary;; Dawnpetal is a pretty good description of a snowshoe cat, her patterning almost akin to a point if it weren't for her back and mask-like face pattern. Though scars scatter her thick coat, she's got round features making her seem friendly and caring. ↳ Fur;; Dawnpetal's fur is long and thick, thus why she opted to be in the nursery all the time caring for the little ones. ↳ Build;; Round and plump ↳ Scent;; a mix of lavender and milk ↳ Scars;; Two scars that slice the area between her eyes, two on the right side of her face, two across her right side and a bite mark on her front right leg.

notable features;; Dawnpetal has large, round eyes and almost always a worried, furrowed brow.

We Were Meant To Be

✔| Observant | Optimistic | Smart | Comforting =| Stern | Casual | Worrywart | Quiet ✖| Untrustworthy | Clumsy | Vague | Easily Distracted Dawnpetal is just about your average caretaker, but if something catches her eye nothing's safe. She's observant of her surroundings and of the kits she takes under her wing, but even so she can find herself distracted by a conversation, by a great meal, or anything. And her clusiness isn't something she's proud of, but she definitely uses it to her own advantage as kits are usually entertained by her stepping on her own tail... and she's okay with that. But if someone does something they're not supposed to, Dawnpetal will usually be the first to scold them.

↳ likes;; Prey, Clanmates, The nursery ↳ dislikes;; Thunder, Water ↳ fears;; Losing kits, Death, JuniperClan

↳ Habits;;

Happens to groom her paws and whiskers a lot ↳ Extras

tbd... Favorite;; Food | Vole Season | Spring Smell | Lavender Sound | Kits' snores Place | Nursery Cat | Sunpaw

Just Take A Chance, Please

Kimi | Mother | npc | Rogue Ash | Father | npc | Rogue

offspring: Sunpaw

sexual orientation: Heterosexual ↳ status;; Single, Not Interested ↳ current attractions;; Stonebelly ↳ past attractions;; Mothgaze, Bonedusk

turn ons | Not Looking turn offs | Not Looking

If You Ask Me For My Heart

There's No Way I could Say No

History;; Before Clan: Dawnkit was born as Fudge from just outside clan borders. Her mother didn't want her, and her father had left well before she was born. She was raised for at least 2 months of her life- until she no longer needed her mother's support anymore. Her mother led her into the clan's territory before telling her to wait and that she was only hunting. Fudge stayed and waited, before some cats came and took her to JuniperClan- giving the name Dawnkit.


➢ Realizes she'd never see her mom again again

➢ Meets Mothkit, becomes friends with him

➢ Admires Snowstar

➢ Meets Bonekit, hates him

➢ Befriends Bonekit

➢ Gets adopted by Jasminepaw

➢ Strangers come to the clan

➢ Meets Shadowkit, despises him. Doesn't look like they'll be friends.


➢ Dawnkit becomes Dawnpaw, gets apprenticed to the newly named Jasmineivy

➢ Skullpaw and Bonepaw become apprentices, she's surprised they're still here

➢ Starts crushing on Bonepaw

➢ Becomes best friends with Mothpaw

➢ Not much happens

➢ Almost. Dies in an encounter with a rogue

➢ Passes her warrior assessment


➢ Becomes Dawnpetal, named after her soft nature

➢ Doesn't really like being a warrior, but sticks with the clan for the sake of her friends

➢ Develops crush on Mothgaze

➢ Discusses w them about liking them, they don't take it lightly but it ends out okay

➢ Suggests they become mates, neither think that should happen

➢ Mothgaze breaks it off

➢ Dawnpetal and Bonedusk join the clan in fighting against a bunch of rogues

➢ Bonedusk kills someone and sulks for a WHILE

➢ Dawn joins him in his sulking adventures

➢ Somehow they become mates

➢ Dawnpetal's expecting kits!

➢ Gives birth to 5 kits, they're healthy

➢ Leaves the clan after a couple moons


➢ She renames herself to Dawn with her kits Sunset, Sunrise and Fern

➢ Fern dies

➢ Dawn mourns viciously

➢ Keeps Sunset and sunrise so close to her

➢ Legit keeps walking for days, joining a small group of other former juniperclan cats

➢ Takes care of the kits in the group well

➢ Meets Stonebelly

➢ They hit it off and... Dawn feels like she's moving on

➢ They find the cove. Cats disperse into various clans. She and Stonebelly join ValleyClan.

➢ Becomes Dawnpetal again, hopes to foster many kits in her lifetime.


➢ Watches her daughter get named Sunpaw.

➢ Is looking forward to what the clan has to offer for her.

➢ .......

✔ Notes (can be slow) ✔ Discord ✘ Skype ✔ Comments (can be slow)

✔ Google Docs ✘ Email

Roleplay example;;

LIT ::

Mapleblaze couldn't help her gaze shift to him, finding herself leaning towards him to comfort the tom as he thought. Home. What even was it? GroveClan was the only home the dappled she-cat knew. But it felt so empty now that Bluetuft and Bramblingstripe.. And Irissong... All the cats she would consider friends prior to the war. She sighed, listening to him speak. "If not GroveClan, I'd have no home..." She murmured, blinking up at the tom. StarClan knows she misses some cats. But then there were cats like Nettlestar. Mapleblaze's tail wrapped around herself tightly, ears lowering. What in StarClan's name even was home anymore. Whats home without... Friends.. Or family. She couldnt help feel her heart sink, swelling with something she could only name as shame. Her eyes only narrowed as Aspencry spoke again. Where I belong anymore. She didnt know either, to be fair. Biting down viciously on her bottom lip, she raised her gaze to the sky; peering through the cracks in the leaves to watch the warriors of silverpelt look down at her.. Or maybe look down on Aspencry.. What would she have done to earn the gaze of StarClan upon her pelt? Despite how much she wanted to continue on that path, she pondered the younger tom's words. "StarClan knows I understand..." She murmured quietly, meeting his gaze. "But the future holds something in its paws for everyone... Cats break away, friendships are lost..." She paused, blinking back up at the sky. "Cats die." She choked, clearing her throat and turning to Aspencry once again as he spoke. Wasnt the will of StarClan.. Her ears twitched, piquing her interest.

"Its possible." She murmured, blinking at the tom, her mind traveling down this path. It'd make sense... "For the place of no stars to make something... Like her..." She murmured, pursing her lips in thought, letting her eyes drift closed. Nettlestar... She felt her jaw tighten, before her eyes opened at his following question. *How do we stop someone like that?" "I dont know..." She murmured honesty, shifting her weight from one paw to the other uncomfortably. "But if StarClan was on our side... They should have a solution..." she turned to him, flicking an ear. "Dont you think so?"


Thunderkit: She found herself waddling from the nursery, kicking at the grass below her paws as she had her maw open, dragging her tongue across the two teeth that poked from her mouth at all times. How had she JUST noticed this? Well, does it matter? It was the only thing she could think about right now. How weird her teeth were. They were so cool. Though this funny train of thought stopped short as a somewhat familiar voice yelled something. She whipped around, her confused gaze coming to Peachpaw. She padded towards the calico, giving her shoulder a casual push. "Hey Peeeeeeeachpaw" She greeted, taking a moment to actually remember and say the apprentices name.

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